My Approach

Over the years, people have asked, “What is it like to work with Rich?” Below is a description of what you will experience when we work together.


Action Oriented

From our first conversation you will receive value from what I do as opposed to hearing me talk about what I can do. Servant leadership is my focus as we work on the opportunities you bring to the table.


Reciprocal Accountability

You will experience reciprocal accountability to deliver what is promised. Believing someone will do what they say is foundational to any functional relationship.


Kind Truth

At times, you will hear a difficult message you may not like hearing. It will be delivered with kindness, empathy, and respect. We will discuss the “elephant in the room” as we exercise the courage to deal with issues others may be afraid to address.


Blind Spots

"You don't even know what you don't know," is the nature of blind spots.  You will learn things about yourself you have never known before.  This is an area I excel in!


Positive Pivots

Getting it right is more important than being right. We will change opinions as new information and thoughts are introduced to the conversation. We will be tight to the outcomes and flexible about the process to get there.


Connecting People

Sometimes who I know is more important that what I know.  Part of what you get when you work with me is my expansive network of professionals.  I expand this highly valuable resource literally EVERY WEEK meeting talented guests on my podcast. When I am not the best person to serve your needs, I will introduce you to someone best-in-class to work with you.
