Meet Rich Hoffmann



I live in Iowa, am happily married to my wife Shelby, and have 4 kids: Kinleigh (24), Kaelynn (21), Kaydee (17), and Paige (11). Shelby and I love to travel with and without our kiddos. We have traveled to 28 states and a few countries spanning from Maine down to Cabo San Lucas and from Washington down to Costa Rica. When we vacation, we mostly love to be unstructured so we can do whatever creates joy for us. The rest of our lives are pretty scheduled and structured; while on vacation, we like to have maybe one scheduled activity a day and are up for whatever strikes us as joyful the rest of the day.

On August 14, 2022, I went to Adventureland Amusement Park and was kicked off the first roller coaster we tried to go on because the lap bar would not close on my 314-pound body. That day I thought of the biggest and most intimidating goal I could come up with…I committed to myself that I would complete a triathlon in the next year. Two days later, I met a personal trainer who is a multi time Iron Man herself and got to work training and eating to fuel my body. 47 weeks later, it was July 9, 2023, and I completed my first triathlon! Recently Shelby and I have learned we enjoy hiking together. We set a goal to challenge ourselves together, and in May 2024, we hiked the Grand Canyon, Rim to River to Rim, in one thrilling and exhausting day.

I have a passion for creating meaningful, memorable experiences at work and home. One of my favorite memories of doing this in my personal life was my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. In Austin, TX, Shelby and I met a singer in the lobby of a Hilton. We loved his unique sound and came to find out he was a finalist on the TV show The Voice. He flew out to Scottsdale, AZ where we rented a house for the whole family (14 of us) to stay for the celebration. He ate a wonderful dinner with us, which was made by a private chef and assistant. Before he played music that evening, each family member, one by one, spoke, sharing their love and appreciation for my parents; there was not a dry eye at the table. With his guitar and microphone, the musician played many styles of delightful music that evening.

Following a sudden and massive stroke, my mother passed away on January 23, 2023, but like it was just yesterday, I picture my parents sitting, holding hands, listening to live music, surrounded by family, in the love and joy of that evening.

I LOVE to help people unlock their potential!



I am thankful for having had multiple highly skilled mentors from which my style and methods have been developed.

From the age of 19, I have been hooked on entrepreneurship. During and after college I recruited and trained many student Franchisees. Working my way up, I became a Partner and SVP of Leadership and Strategy for a large Franchise Company and helped move productivity with 400+ Franchise Owners and their 2,500+ team members from an average revenue of $550,000 to $1,900,000. I continue to love supporting Business Owners and helping them develop their Leadership Teams.

My goal is to work myself out of a job by developing an independent high level of performance with the leaders I coach to the point where they don’t need me anymore. While I have mastered several skills, there is always more to learn. What makes me uniquely qualified to work with Service-based business leaders is the combination of skills I have mastered developing with others.

  1. Self-awareness - In 1997, I obtained a degree in psychology, and I have a passion and curiosity for working with people. Since 2015 I have applied my Master Level Certification in a personality assessment tool which is statistically predictable and reliable of behavior based on 21 preferences and 1 cognitive ability. I love to work with people to understand their preferences, when they work for them when those same preferences can get in their way, and what compensatory skills can be employed to serve their objectives.

  2. Essential Skills - I have worked with the Essential Skills Program since running a Franchise while in College and in 2015 became a Certified Examiner of 12 Essential Skills. The program in which I am an Examiner uses competency models and a rigorous process to ensure the standards of an objective evaluation have been met when applying the skills. I have worked with my clients' skills programs and helped them scale the effective distribution of their skills throughout the organization.

  3. Organizational Health - Since 2016 I have partnered with the Table Group (Pat Lencioni’s Consulting Company) as an Organizational Health Practitioner. I help business leaders reduce politics, reduce confusion, increase morale, increase productivity, and reduce unwanted turnover. Leaders are able to develop a cohesive leadership team, create clarity, overcommunicate, clarity, and reinforce clarity. Maintaining organizational health will make work more effective and less dysfunctional and help employees be more fulfilled.

I love to partner with clients as closely as possible, not as many as possible, to complement your skill, sets and create serious momentum.