Workshop Offerings

(with topics of discussion, action items, commitments, and accountability)

Leading Yourself

All Leaders and Team Members Welcome


Maximize Personal Performance

Vision Planning
When was the last time you refined your Life Vision? In these sessions you will create and refine your ultimate personal and ultimate professional vision in addition to seeing how your current work is part of the vision.

Priority Management Principles
Do you have clearly written goals in all roles of importance in your life; Family, Friends, Finances, Fitness, and Faith? In these sessions you will identify the roles of priority in your life and learn a system of Priority Management to achieve literally anything you want in each of the roles.

Ideal Day Morning Routine
What does your perfect morning look like that gets you in peak state before the rest of your day begins? In these sessions you will hear what top leaders do to start their day in peak state, craft your own Morning Routine, and start to practice it immediately.

Taking your personal power back
What does “lead with vulnerability” mean and why do high performing leaders show up this way? In these sessions you will understand why leading with vulnerability matters, learn how to do it, and start showing up in a way that builds confidence and trust.

Simple & Effective Problem Solving
Are you solving symptoms or root problems in your business? In these sessions you will learn a highly effective and duplicatable method for Problem Solving which can be used as an individual or facilitated in a group format.

Maximize Assessments
How are you maximizing the value of assessments you have taken? In these sessions you will learn how to extract maximum value from any assessment and discover what assessments top performers are using these days.

Leading Others

Must Have 1+ Direct Reports


Performance Management

Situational Leadership
How do you know when to delegate and when to be directive with your direct reports? In these sessions you will learn how to diagnose the leadership needs of your direct reports and prescribe the exact leadership style they need to perform at their highest level.

Expectations and Accountability
How and when do you establish expectations? What is the most effective way to hold accountability? In these sessions, you will learn a simple, memorable, and highly effective method in which your direct reports feel partnered as opposed to micromanaged.

Difficult Conversations
How do you teach your direct reports to address conflict in a non-threatening way that builds relationships? In these sessions, you will learn when and how to express yourself when you have escalated emotions about something someone else has done or not done.

Training and Coaching
How do you determine when your direct reports should be trained and when they should be coached? In these sessions, you will learn when to use training, when to use coaching, and how to optimize the delivery of both.

Influencing Willingness
What is the best thing to do when your direct report isn’t willing to develop skills in an area you know will enhance their performance? In these sessions you will be taught how to use a matrix of awareness and resistance to determine exactly what is needed to influence the willingness of your direct reports.

Regular Performance Meetings
How do you get the absolute most value from holding a Performance Meeting with your direct reports? In these sessions, you will learn how to make this a high-value meeting for both you and your direct reports by partnering, gaining alignment, and having difficult conversations when necessary.


Essential Skills

Creating and Communicating with Clarity
How do you know that you have communicated clearly? In these sessions, you will learn why and how to create clarity and ensure that you have communicated it well.

Productive Meetings
How do you optimize your meetings so people find them highly productive and look forward to the meetings you schedule? In these sessions, you will learn the components of holding effective meetings and how to make them both interesting and productive.

What do you focus on when you are trying to facilitate with excellence? In these sessions, you will learn the techniques, tips, and tricks to facilitate in a way that is engaging and ensures you hit the objectives.

Influence & Relationship vs Power & Control
Do you like it when someone exerts power over you? Of course not, as a direct supervisor it can be a tempting habit and trap to fall into. In these sessions you will learn how to develop relationships and influence your direct reports to get work done at the highest level they are capable.

Asking Questions & Active Listening
Would you like to be known as a great question-asker and listener? In these sessions, you will learn how to tap into curiosity, ask great questions, and actually listen by avoiding the known blockers to listening.

Coaching Developmental Themes
Do you tell your direct reports what to do, or do you teach them how to think? In these sessions, you will learn how to create custom developmental themes for your direct reports and how to hold conversations with them.

Leading Teams

Must Have 1+ Direct Report Who Have 1+ Direct Report Themselves

Strategic Change
How do you coordinate strategic change on your team? In these sessions, you will learn the steps necessary to reduce your team’s resistance to strategic change and ensure the change sticks.

Organizational Alignment
If your team were independently asked, “What are the top priorities of the company right now?” would they all have the same answer? In these sessions, you will learn how to determine the priorities and how to align your team to achieve those priorities.

How do you know if your team culture is well-defined and consistent? In these sessions you will start to define the critical behaviors to ensure your culture is thriving and well maintained.

Project Clarity
For the projects your team is working on, do you have absolute clarity on who the decision makers are and who is to do what, and by when? In these sessions, you will learn two highly effective tools to ensure projects are being completed on time by reducing opportunities for confusion and miscommunication.

Succession Planning
How do you go about succession planning in the event of team turnover? In these sessions, you will use two tools for succession planning and develop confidence in the team's future.

Motivations for Behavior Change
What principles of motivation and behavior change are you using with your team? In these sessions, you will learn the principles of how people become motivated and how to influence their behavior change in non-manipulative ways.